The Christmas Bliss Romance Collection Read online

Page 17

  Once Christmas was over, Haven vowed to tell Wyatt the truth. She’d wait until the day after to drop the bomb. Tonight, however, she was in a dream where she was the princess, floating to a magnificent party to meet the man of her dreams. She sucked in a deep breath, willing herself to calm down.

  Her phone rang. She reached for it. Her spirit seemed to split from her body when she saw who was calling—Brynn. Her pulse ratcheted up a hundred notches, a wave of dizziness assaulting her. She let it go to voicemail. A second later, the phone rang again. Brynn. It rang a third time. When it rang a fourth, Haven knew she had to answer it.

  “Hello?” she squeaked, clutching the phone.

  “How could you?” Brynn seethed. “Of all the low-down, things to do. I can’t believe you would have the audacity to pretend to be me!”

  Her throat squeezed together, cutting off Haven’s breath as she gulped. She swallowed, managing to draw in a sliver of air.

  “How could you do this to me? To Wyatt?” Brynn’s voice sounded hurt, wounded.

  Haven straightened to her full height, squaring her jaw. It was one thing for Brynn to rip her to shreds, but attempting to pass herself off as a victim to ingratiate herself back into Wyatt’s life was crossing the line. “You don’t care anything about Wyatt. You couldn’t wait to run off to Ireland with Malcolm Chase, leaving me to clean up your mess.”

  “I love Wyatt, and he loves me. You’re an imposter,” she seethed.

  Haven’s hand went to her hip. “You wouldn’t know the meaning of love if it hit you in the face. All you care about is the treasure and the wealth. Now that you know who Wyatt really is, you want him back. Well, it’s too late for that, sister!”

  “How dare you?!”

  Haven barked out a laugh. “Wyatt doesn’t love you. He never did. He loves me, and I love him. End of story.”

  Brynn let out a string of curses, calling her every name in the book. “You won’t get away with this! I’m coming to claim what’s mine,” she growled.

  Haven ended the call and placed her phone on the dresser. Shakes rattled through her body as she smoothed a hand over her dress. Change of plans. Christmas or no Christmas, she had to tell Wyatt the truth. Now! She placed the palms of her hands on the dresser as she leaned forward, trying to get her bearings. A second later, she bowed her head and offered up a silent prayer for help. Yes, she was a louse for deceiving Wyatt and his family, but her intentions hadn’t been malicious. Like the Davenports, she wanted to be a better person and help others. Surely, that counted for something.


  As Haven descended the stairs, the grandfather clock in the living room chimed out ominous dings. She felt like Cinderella, only she was rushing to Wyatt instead of running away from him before it all fell apart.

  The large room was brimming with people, dressed to the nines, waiters in black tuxedos milling amongst them, carrying silver platters. Upbeat Christmas music played in the background. When Haven reached the bottom of the stairs, Ellie rushed up to her. She grabbed Haven’s arm with both hands as she squeezed. “I just got a call from Luke.” Her eyes danced with jubilation. “He’ll be here any minute.”

  Haven forced a smile. “That’s fantastic.” At least one couple would have a happy evening. “Have you seen Wyatt—Charlie?”

  “Yes.” She pointed at the double glass doors. “Over there.”

  Haven looked across the room. Wyatt’s eyes found hers as he flashed a glorious smile that shot daggers through her heart. Haven’s legs wobbled like toothpicks. It was all she could do to propel her feet forward. When she reached Wyatt, he did a double-take, letting out a low whistle. “You look fantastic!” He leaned in, his lips brushing against her cheek with feather lightness. “You are so beautiful,” he murmured.

  “Thanks,” she uttered.

  “How about a dance?” His blue eyes sparkled like liquid sapphires as he pumped his eyebrows. He twirled her around and dipped her backwards.

  When he righted her, she moistened her dry lips. “Um, do you mind if we talk … somewhere private?”

  Concern seeped into his eyes. “Sure. Is everything okay?”

  “I hope so.” A mountain of tears pressed against her eyes, but she willed herself to push them back. Now was not the time to fall apart.

  He looked puzzled.

  She touched his cheek. “It’ll be all right.”

  The worry lines dissolved. “Good, because there’s something I need to talk to you about too. Let’s go to the family room.”

  They wove through the crowd. Before they got out of the room, they ran smack dab into Kat. “Hello,” she simpered. She looked Wyatt up and down. “Looking good, as usual.” She cast a venomous glance at Haven, her lips pulling into a fake smile. “Oh, this is Steve.” She grabbed the arm of the guy dancing next to her. Like Kat, he was polished and glamorous with his pristine smile and styled hair, as if he’d stepped out of a magazine.

  Kat zeroed in on Wyatt. “Would you like to dance?” She flashed a hopeful smile.

  A disbelieving laugh gurgled in Haven’s throat. What was Kat going to do? Dump the pretty boy on the spot for a shot at Wyatt?

  “Sorry, we have to go,” Wyatt said, pushing past Kat and tugging on Haven’s hand.

  When they stepped into the family room, Wyatt turned to face her.

  Her eyes went to the tree and the Christmas Star. Haven was touched by the Christmas Star poem. She’d planned to ask Wyatt for a copy. A passage from the poem flitted through her mind. Be fixed like the star and remember who you are.

  Yeah, wise words that she should’ve heeded from the get-go. Then again, her deception brought her together with Wyatt. Nothing, not even the threat of losing him, was worth never having loved him at all. She realized then that if she could do it over again, she’d make the same choice. “There’s something ...” The words got caught in her throat as she coughed and tried again. She feared her heart would stop beating here and now and that she’d collapse on the floor. “That day, when you came to the apartment …”

  A tender smile stretched over Wyatt’s lips, happiness radiating in his eyes. “I know. The connection between us was electric. It just keeps getting better and better,” he murmured.

  “Yes, that’s why—” Her words got choked off when Wyatt got down on one knee, gazing up at her with such tenderness that it brought tears to her eyes.

  His expression grew earnest. “Yesterday, when I told my dad I loved you, I meant every word.” He chuckled to himself. “I should’ve admitted it then, but when I saw your shocked expression, I lost my nerve and asked you to just go along with it.”

  “You love me?” The words she wanted to hear the most. It was a bittersweet moment, knowing everything she wanted was right in front of her and with her next words, she ran the risk of it all being ripped away.

  “Yes, I love you. And, I want to marry you.” His voice grew urgent. “Let’s make our engagement real.” Anticipation twinkled in his mesmerizing eyes as he awaited her answer.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” Aubrey said as she stormed in, holding papers in her fist.

  Wyatt stumbled to his feet, a deep frown pulling down his lips. He leveled a glare at Aubrey. “What’s this about?”

  Beverly and Charles rushed in on Aubrey’s heels.

  Haven’s head whirled. She rubbed a hand across her forehead. “There’s something I need to tell all of you.”

  “Save it!” Aubrey barked, waving the papers. “Everything we need to know is right here.”

  “If you’ve got something to say, then spit it out,” Wyatt thundered, his feet spreading in a battle stance.

  Aubrey steeled her shoulders, giving Haven a scathing look. “Two years ago, Brynn had an affair with a married man named Walter Hensley who is the CEO of a large tech company. She got pregnant and threatened to ruin his marriage.”

  Haven staggered, feeling like the floor was falling out from beneath her. How could Brynn stoop so low?

; “Walter paid Brynn a hefty settlement to get an abortion and leave him alone.”

  The air expanded and contracted in a hard punch. Haven’s mind clicked through the sequence of events like frames in a camera, searing the shame into her soul. She saw the shocked expressions on Beverly and Charles’s faces and Aubrey’s smug look of vindication. Haven turned to Wyatt, needing to see his face, yet dreading it. His tortured expression cut her to the quick. She would’ve died a thousand deaths to avoid this horrible moment.

  “Please tell me it’s not true.” His voice was pleading, haunting.

  “Of course it’s true,” Aubrey snapped. “The proof is right here.” She held up the papers.

  “Brynn?” Wyatt asked, his eyes pleading.

  Her insides crumbled. “There’s nothing I can say,” she uttered, rushing out, her intent to get as far away from here as possible.

  * * *

  The sting of betrayal gutted Wyatt like a red-hot knife. How could Brynn have done something so horrible? His mind refused to believe it, everything in him wanting to rush after Brynn and bring her back. His mom stepped forward and touched his arm. “I’m so sorry.”

  Aubrey sighed. “For what it’s worth, I’m sorry too.”

  “Sure, you are,” Wyatt sneered, channeling his wrath at Aubrey.

  She rocked back. “I am. Believe it or not, I was actually starting to like Brynn.” Her brows furrowed. “She was a fraud.” She clenched her jaw. “I should’ve listened to my first inclination.”

  Brynn rushed back into the room, a wide smile on her lips, as if nothing had ever happened. She held out her hands, strolling towards Wyatt. “Darling, I’m so glad I found you,” she cooed.

  Confusion swept over Wyatt when she threw her arms around him. She pressed her lips to Wyatt’s. Something was different. Wrong.

  “What the heck does she think she’s doing?” Aubrey demanded.

  Wyatt extricated himself from Brynn’s grasp and took an assessment. She’d changed into another dress, but it wasn’t just that. There was a hardness around Brynn’s eyes that hadn’t been there before. It was like he was seeing a totally different woman.

  His mom arched an eyebrow, her voice taking on a dangerous edge. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  Brynn laughed nervously. “I came as soon as I heard.”

  Wyatt’s heart sank. Maybe Brynn did have split personalities. That would explain why the Brynn he fell in love with was so different from the person in the media. Different from the woman who would have an affair, then get an abortion for a settlement. Completely different from the woman standing before him. Disgust twisted Wyatt’s gut. He shook his head. “What’re you talking about?”

  Brynn’s eyes grew troubled. “I thought you knew.”

  “Knew what?” Wyatt didn’t try to mask the bite in his voice.

  Fire flashed in Brynn’s eyes. “That Haven, my despicable twin, pretended to be me.”

  For a second, Wyatt wondered if he’d heard her correctly. He leaned forward, a laugh sounding in his throat. “What?” Was it possible? A ray of hope streamed through the black clouds.

  Brynn put a hand on her hip, exhaling a labored breath. “Haven came to my apartment to spend Christmas with me and my mom.” She twirled a hand. “Somehow, the wires got crossed. Mom was in Greece, and I was leaving for Ireland.” Her brows knit together. “I asked Haven to tell you that I couldn’t go home with you for Christmas.” Her voice grew brittle. “But that liar pretended to be me and went in my place.”

  Wyatt had the urge to laugh uncontrollably. “Haven.” Of course, the little girl who was lost called her Haven. She must have inadvertently told the girl her real name. No wonder things were so different with Brynn—Haven. He’d thought Haven was a more appropriate name for her.

  Aubrey held out a hand, her eyebrows shooting up. “Are you telling me that there are two of you?”

  Brynn rolled her eyes. “Unfortunately, yes. But we’re not close. In fact, we didn’t even grow up together. I lived with my mom and Haven with our dad.”

  “Until he passed away a couple days before Thanksgiving last year,” Wyatt supplied.


  The pieces were starting to come together for Wyatt. “Haven went to New York to spend Christmas with you and your mom, but the two of you deserted her,” he mused.

  “I wouldn’t exactly call it desertion,” Brynn blustered.

  Wyatt thought of something else. “With whom did you go to Ireland?”

  Color blotched up Brynn’s neck and into her face. “I don’t see how that matters.”

  “Who?” Wyatt demanded, leaning into her personal space.

  She moved back. “Malcolm Chase.” She offered a placating smile. “But that’s ancient history, darling. Now I’m here with you,” she said brightly. “At this terrific party on Christmas Eve.”

  Wyatt folded his arms, eyeing her. “Why did you come here?”

  “To be with you of course.” She laughed nervously.

  “After you found out about the treasure and who I really am,” he added. He could tell from the way her jaw went slack that he was right on the money, literally. Now that Wyatt knew there were two of them, it wasn’t hard to see the difference. Like Haven, Brynn was stunningly beautiful, but she was an empty shell. The woman he loved was beautiful on the inside too, perhaps even more beautiful than on the outside. “What does Haven do for a living?”

  “You don’t need to worry about her. She won’t be bothering you again,” Brynn said.

  “What does she do?” Wyatt pressed.

  “She teaches elementary school,” Brynn huffed, “in some insignificant town in Tennessee.”

  “Red Rose,” Wyatt added.

  Brynn shrugged. “I suppose, I really can’t remember,” she answered flippantly.

  His mom smiled. “That explains the letter ornaments.”

  “It sure does,” Aubrey added, “and why she’s so good with kids.”

  Wyatt tensed. Where was Haven? In her room? Or had she left? The need to get to her was overwhelming. Sure, he was frustrated that she hadn’t come clean, but he understood why she pretended to be Brynn. “Haven came home with me because she couldn’t face being alone for Christmas.” He chuckled. “When I picked her up at the apartment, I gave her the perfect out. I said we could spend Christmas together and see how we felt about things afterwards. A no harm, no foul sort of thing.” Only Wyatt hadn’t counted on falling in love with her.

  His dad raised an eyebrow. “What’s this about the two of you being engaged?”

  Wyatt grinned. “Yeah, about that. I might’ve jumped the gun … slightly.”

  “You love her though,” his mom said.

  He laughed. “Yes, I do.”

  “What?” Brynn shook her head. “No, you love me.” She pointed to her chest.

  “So, you’re the real Brynn,” his dad said in a speculative tone.

  “Yes,” Brynn said brightly. “You must be Wyatt’s parents. It’s nice to finally meet you.” She held out her hand to shake, but they just stood there looking at her until she dropped her hand awkwardly to her side. She turned to Wyatt. “I don’t understand what’s happening.”

  “You’re the one who’s been in the media,” his dad said.

  “I have.” Wariness seeped into Brynn’s voice. “W—what’s going on here?”

  Aubrey waved the papers in her face. “You’re the one who had the affair with the married man, took a settlement, and had an abortion.”

  Brynn’s face drained. “Where did you get that information?”

  “Oh, I have my ways,” Aubrey said.

  Desperation sounded in Brynn’s voice. “That was a long time ago … in the past. It doesn’t matter now.” Her eyes sought Wyatt’s like a drowning person grasping for a buoy. “I’m here, and I want you.”

  His mom looked at Wyatt, a smile curving her lips. “The clock is ticking. Are you going to let her get away?”

  “Who?” Brynn aske
d, her eyes widening.

  “The best thing that ever happened to you,” Aubrey said. She rolled her eyes. “I even like her. That should speak volumes.”

  “Oh, it does.” Wyatt looked at his dad, caught the amusement sparkling in his eyes.

  “Son, do you need to be told a third time? Go get your woman.”

  A burst of adrenaline ran through Wyatt. “Yes, sir,” he clipped.

  “What?” Outrage coated Brynn’s voice. “You’re choosing Haven over me? To think, I left Malcolm Chase for you,” she growled. As he moved to leave, Brynn touched his arm, a tremulous expression overtaking her features. “Wyatt? Think of what we had together.” Her mouth tightened. “Are you seriously going to throw that away for an imposter?”

  “Brynn, you and I both know there was never anything real between us. It’s been Haven ever since I saw her,” he said as he darted out of the room.


  Haven sat in the backseat of the limo, staring unseeingly out the window. After rushing out of the family room, she was a total mess. Somehow, she managed to pull herself together enough to go upstairs and throw her things in a suitcase. She pushed her way through the partygoers in the foyer and out the front door, intending to call a cab. Before she could, however, Ralph spotted her and insisted that she allow him to give her a ride to the airport.

  Wanting to get away as quickly as possible, she agreed. Red Rose was close enough that she could drive, but she needed a rental car, which she could get at the airport.

  Her eyes were puffy and red from crying. She sniffled, wiping her runny nose. Her mind kept replaying the raw hurt on Wyatt’s face when he heard those terrible accusations about Brynn … her. In retrospect, Haven wondered if she should’ve just told them, then and there, who she really was. She could’ve defended herself, saying that she’d not done those terrible things. In the heat of the moment, she was just so floored by it all that she didn’t know what to do. She leaned her head back and closed her eyes. Who was she kidding? She was a fraud who’d deceived them. How could they forgive her for that? They would lump her in with Brynn, thinking she was as rotten as her twin.